4 Best Mobile App Testing Strategies


Mobile app testing is a relatively new field and so it’s still undergoing changes. This is why many companies are still struggling to put in place a comprehensive mobile application testing strategy. With this blog, we bring out the 4 main challenges to mobile application testing and suggest mobile application testing strategies to tackle those […]

Why does Mobile Testing Automation Requires Expertise?

Why Mobile Testing Automation Requires Expertise

Mobile testing automation is very a critical aspect of the software development process. With agile development, continuous delivery, and DevOps increasing in prominence, Mobile testing automation is now a necessity. But the criticality of Mobile testing automation is not just limited to enabling fast delivery. Its criticality of it comes from it now taking up […]

API Testing: This solution will solve all your problems

API Testing This solution will solve all your problems

We have heard of many people really struggle with API testing. Many of our fellow colleagues and some of the customers would talk about their problems while doing API testing. We tried to investigate the causes of these problems. We found that in large custom software development projects, API testing is a challenge. In large […]

Front End API Testing – A Neglected Area


How do you test if the incoming API Calls to back-ends are correct? How do you test if the front end behaves properly on APIs returning errors? How do you test the front end before the back end is ready? The New Emerging Architecture With the emergence of Smartphones and HTML5, the front end of application software has […]

SaaS Testing Using Cloud: An Emerging Discipline

Introduction More than a decade ago, in the era when technology evolved to bring in virtualization in the mode of cloud computing, a funny reply came from the owner of an organization when one of his subordinates shared a thought on migrating their services to the cloud. The reply was, “I just don’t trust keeping […]

Using Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium

Using Explicit and Implicit Wait in Selenium

Explicit Implicit wait selenium is an important command. They are used while running automation scripts created using Selenium Web Driver. Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium is primarily used to handle the different load times of elements on the web browser. Using Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium Example Consider a situation in which you […]

Make Your Testing Run Faster with Protractor

Make Your Testing Run Faster with Protractor

Protractor is an E2E test framework for AngularJS app testing. It is a Node.js program that works on top of WebDriverJS. Protractor was developed by the Angular team for testing Angular. It recognizes Angular’s processes and waits for them to complete. As a result, the browser “sleep” time is optimized and the tests run faster in Protractor testing. Protractor […]

3 Myths of Test Automation

3 Myths of Test Automation

Let’s be clear, “3 Myths of Test Automation” is not about bashing test automation. If you are a tester frustrated at having to do test automation (or generally unhappy!), reading “3 Myths of Test Automation” will not bring you any solace. However, if you are a CEO/ CTO/ Product manager or someone genuinely interested in finding […]

How to Select the Right Test Automation Tool

Test Automation Tool Selection Headache Solved

Test Automation tool selection is a headache. But fear not, we have the cure for your ailment. At the outset let me congratulate you. By choosing to go for Test Automation you have made a very judicious decision. But if you are still considering Test Automation, you may want to read about: The benefits of […]

Test Automation ROI Calculator

Test Automation ROI calculation

Test Automation ROI calculation is difficult. There are so many unquantifiable benefits to test automation. It is almost impossible to map these benefits to direct dollar savings. However, in order to make a business decision, it is important to know the test automation ROI. ROI is calculated by taking the benefits from the business decision and then […]

4 Leading Test Automation Tools

4 Leading Automation Testing Tools

Test Automation has come a long way.  The new automation testing tools of software automation now allow things unimaginable in the past. It is now possible to think of a situation in which you open your IPad and start running your tests over your company’s VPN while sitting in Central Park. The 4 leading test […]