Mobile users around the globe have increased exponentially. As per studies, it’s going to be much higher in the coming years, this means that people are going to use internet services from basic internet surfing to banking, shopping, etc from their mobile devices and we all can agree that even without any study because we all must have felt that trend in recent times.
As part of this trend, every company is now looking toward developing its own mobile applications. 1000’s applications are released every month and what makes an app stand out is its quality, and when we talk about quality, ‘Testing’ plays an important role in making an ordinary application a high-quality user-friendly one, and choosing the right mobile test automation tools can be a challenge.
Testing is not an easy job either, it is a complex, resource-intensive, and time-consuming one. This is why choosing the right testing tool is of at most importance. Through this blog, we are trying to help you with the decision-making process of choosing the right Mobile Test Automation Tools.
Mobile Test Automation Tools
Mobile devices are less accessible and less open than standard desktop environments or web-based applications and this makes automation a bit challenging.
Appium is an open-source project for test automation. It’s a native, mobile web, and hybrid application on iOS and Android platforms. It supports native, hybrid, and web apps.
More Information: Appium
It’s a cross-platform solution, the same script runs on different devices. Facilitates test to run on several devices concurrently. It records on real devices. It supports Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone 9, and Symbian.
More Information: SeeTest
UFT (Unified Functional Testing) software. UFT provides functional and regression test automation for software applications and environments. UFT is primarily used for regression, service, and functional testing. UFT can be used for enterprise quality assurance. It supports keyword and scripting interfaces. It also features a graphical user interface.
TestComplete is a functional automated testing platform developed by SmartBear Software. Tests can be scripted, recorded, or manually created with keyword-driven operations and used for automated playback and error logging.
It can be used to create and automate many different software test types. It supports Web, Android (operating system), Microsoft Windows, and iOS applications.
More Information: TestComplete
Robotium is an open-source tool for Android UI testing. It’s used mainly for automated black-box UI tests for Android applications. It supports web, native, or hybrid mobile applications.
Calabash works well with Ruby, Java, .NET, Flex, and many other programming languages. Calabash is an automated acceptance testing framework. It supports native and hybrid mobile apps.
iOS Driver utilizes Selenium and the WebDriver API for testing iOS mobile apps. It is designed to run as a Selenium grid node, which improves test speed as it enables parallel GUI testing. It supports all IOS native, hybrid, or mobile web applications.
Selendroid doesn’t require any app-code modifications. Tests are written using the Selenium 2 client API. It supports Android native, mobile web, and hybrid applications.
It’s an iOS-only test framework combining Cucumber and JSON. It also includes an app inspector called Symbiote, which helps you to get detailed information on your running app. Frank is most suited for emulators and web-based apps.
iOS UI Automation
iOS UI Automation tool can be used to automate user interface tests for iOS apps by writing test scripts. Through automating tests of UI interactions, you can minimize procedural errors & shorten the time needed to develop product updates.
UI Automator
It creates functional Android UI test cases to test your user interface (UI) efficiently.
Mobile app development and testing tools continue to be developed at a rapid pace and I will be updating them here, so keep checking again for more updates. Also, don’t forget to use our Free Mobile Automation Testing service.
MonkeyTalk is a complete functional test platform for iOS and Android apps. The scripts use simple keyword syntax and Ant or Java execution engines. It supports native, mobile, and hybrid apps, real devices, or simulators.
Need help with Mobile Test Automation? Contact us now!