Training on the PoSH Act for InApp Employees
A training session on the PoSH Act for InApp Employees was conducted by Malavika Madhu, a certified PoSH awareness trainer, on January 3 and 6. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, also called the...
Bian Li, TEDx Speaker & Founder of The Hungry Labs visits InApp
The Hungry Lab, established in 2016 is a decentralized global platform to empower impactful ventures, initiatives and corporate startups. We were honoured to host Bian Li, Founder of The Hungry Lab who is also a two time TEDx speaker, at...
Christmas Celebration at InApp
The Holiday season is a time to spend with family and friends by sharing gifts and some everlasting memories. This Christmas, our folks at InApp decided to create something special that brought joy among us as well as to the...
The Much Awaited InApp Aala Youth Festival shines New Talents
The Aala Youth Festival is InApp’s grand annual cultural fest, celebrated with an aim to bring out talented InApp employees onto the stage and exhibit their unique performance. The festival was hosted on 14th December 2019 at the St. Xavier’s...
InApp President at the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference, Indonesia
The IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference is an annual cross-disciplinary event that brings together technologists, engineers, scientists, investors and representatives from NGOs, governments, academia across the globe. This year the IEEE Indonesia Section hosted the conference at Depok, Indonesia...
InApp President on Cryptocurrency Governance at NASIG, Canada
The NASIG (North American School of Internet Governance) is an in-depth capacity building event that focuses on developing the shared principles, norms, rules, policies, decision-making procedures and organizations that shapes the evolution of the internet as well as empower the...
InApp at IEEE TENCON 2019
[caption id="attachment_8762" align="aligncenter" width="620"] The Business Development Team and IEEE members from InApp at the TENCON 2019 International conference.[/caption] InApp participated and sponsored the IEEE TENCON 2019, a premiere international conference held in Kerala for the first time. InApp was...
Informative TED Topics Presented at Tech Day v13
The TMO (Technology Management Office) at InApp has yet hosted another successful Tech Day event with an aim towards building a forum to discuss the latest technological advances. The 13th version of Tech Day was conducted at CDAC (Centre for...
Campus Placement Discussion with Budding Engineers
[caption id="attachment_8594" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Athul V S & Aadityakiran S, Programmer Trainee from InApp addressing the final year students.[/caption] One of the great ways to attract fresh talent is through engaging with the young minds during campus placement drives. These...
InApp Organizes Employee Medical Camp
InApp organized a three-day Medical Camp for all its employees in India. The health screening camp was conducted at the office premises in Thiruvananthapuram, where one section was converted to a virtual hospital. The camp was well received and over...
The Beginning of Onam Celebrations at InApp
Traditional attires, colourful Athapookalam and fun games, September is indeed a month of excitement as it is the time for Onam celebration in Kerala. The 10-day long harvest festival of Kerala embodies an era of prosperity and marks the homecoming...
InApp President at the Internet Governance Discussion APIGA 2019, South Korea
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) helps coordinate the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions, which are key technical services critical to the continued operations of the Internet's underlying DNS. The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA)...