InApp organized a three-day Medical Camp for all its employees in India. The health screening camp was conducted at the office premises in Thiruvananthapuram, where one section was converted to a virtual hospital. The camp was well received and over two hundred availed of the free health facility which included Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), ECG, Eye, Dental and Orthopedic consultation and Cardiology screening. A team of doctors, medical professionals from Hindlabs Diagnostic Centre & Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram provided their valuable services and counsel for the camp.
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Frontline Managed Services
InApp is a true partner who has invested in our success… most notably with our strong collaboration from both a business and technical perspective.”Frank Ziller
CIO, Frontline Managed Services, formerly IntelliteachEventOps
InApp can handle any technical specification we throw at them… Our requirements will continue to get more complex. InApp will be there to support us the entire way.”Chris Roberts
Co-Founder and COO, EventOpsOpportunity Interactive Inc.
The last 18 years, we’ve used InApp exclusively for our software development… InApp likes to maintain long-term relationships with its customers, and that works out very well for us.”Greg Gargan
Vice President, Opportunity Interactive Inc.We’d Love To Hear
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