Mobile Game Development Trends: AR, VR, Cloud Gaming, Esports, NFTs & More
We are almost at the beginning of 2023, and there are several mobile game development trends and statistics worth keeping an eye on. According to a market study published by Global Industry Analysts Inc., Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality...
Is It a Good Idea to Combine Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence?
There is no doubt that Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are two of the most transformative technologies of our time. While they both have the potential to change the world in profound ways, few people realize that they can...
7 Ways Blockchain Is Disrupting the Supply Chain Management Industry
Blockchain technology continues to evolve as a disruptive technology for many industries, including supply chain management. This distributed database allows for a secure and transparent way to track and manage transactions. In the field of supply chain management, blockchain allows...
An Ultimate Comparison between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
The internet has come a long way since its inception in the early 1990s. The first version, or Web 1.0, was predominantly used for information sharing and communication between users. In the early 2000s, Web 2.0 emerged, which allowed for...
Overcoming Challenges with DevOps Adoption: 6 Strategies for Success
DevOps services combine two key elements: software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Introduced in 2009 by Patrick Debois, DevOps sought to use agile software development methodology to address the challenges of the traditional separation of software development and IT...
10 Major Web Application Security Vulnerabilities and How to Prevent Them
Security vulnerabilities for web applications continue to rise, putting companies of all sizes at risk. Web application attacks account for 26% of all breaches, according to Verizon. Nearly three out of four are from external sources, jeopardizing valuable data and...
10 Types of Cyberattacks on the Internet of Things
There's no doubt that the Internet of Things (IoT) has made our lives easier and more convenient. But as more devices are connected to the internet, we also see a rise in cyberattacks on these devices. And, these attacks are...
What is the Difference Between Data Mining and Machine Learning?
While data mining and machine learning share certain characteristics, these two terms don’t mean the same thing. Both fall under the general category of data science, which uses scientific methods, systems, processes, and algorithms to extract knowledge from data. But...
Benefits and Challenges to the Enterprises when you Integrate IoT and Cloud Computing
Companies of all sizes are implementing today’s biggest disruptive technologies in business – the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing services. Enhanced tools combine the advantages of both into new levels of intelligence that are proving to be a...
The Complete Checklist for Mobile App Testing – Ensure Your App Is Ready for the Public
As a business owner, you know that a well-functioning mobile app is essential to your success. But how can you be sure your app is ready for prime time? Testing a mobile application is essential to ensure that it works...
Six Metrics to Track the Progress of Your Software Development Project
Metrics help stakeholders measure and track the progress of the software development process, ensuring the project is progressing in a timely manner and meeting the necessary requirements. Key performance indicators (KPIs) evaluate the team’s performance in specific areas, giving everyone...
React Native vs. Flutter vs. Ionic vs. Xamarin vs. Nativescript (A Detailed Comparison)
Cross-platform frameworks allow developers to create a mobile solution that is simultaneously compatible with different operating systems and platforms. That can help businesses expand the reach of a mobile app while also controlling the development costs. As a result, most...