Using Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium

Using Explicit and Implicit Wait in Selenium

Explicit Implicit wait selenium is an important command. They are used while running automation scripts created using Selenium Web Driver. Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium is primarily used to handle the different load times of elements on the web browser. Using Implicit and Explicit Wait in Selenium Example Consider a situation in which you […]

Make Your Testing Run Faster with Protractor

Make Your Testing Run Faster with Protractor

Protractor is an E2E test framework for AngularJS app testing. It is a Node.js program that works on top of WebDriverJS. Protractor was developed by the Angular team for testing Angular. It recognizes Angular’s processes and waits for them to complete. As a result, the browser “sleep” time is optimized and the tests run faster in Protractor testing. Protractor […]

3 Myths of Test Automation

3 Myths of Test Automation

Let’s be clear, “3 Myths of Test Automation” is not about bashing test automation. If you are a tester frustrated at having to do test automation (or generally unhappy!), reading “3 Myths of Test Automation” will not bring you any solace. However, if you are a CEO/ CTO/ Product manager or someone genuinely interested in finding […]

How to Select the Right Test Automation Tool

Test Automation Tool Selection Headache Solved

Test Automation tool selection is a headache. But fear not, we have the cure for your ailment. At the outset let me congratulate you. By choosing to go for Test Automation you have made a very judicious decision. But if you are still considering Test Automation, you may want to read about: The benefits of […]