
InApp Inc. COO at the International Conference, NetACT 19

InApp Inc. COO at the International Conference, NetACT 19

Mr. Krishnakumar S. Nair, COO of InApp Inc. during his felicitation speech at the NetACT International Conference
Mr. Krishnakumar S. Nair, COO of InApp Inc. during his felicitation speech at the NetACT International Conference

The 2nd International Conference on Networks and Advances in Computer Technologies (NetACT) was held as a joint venture by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, MBCET, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Bowie State University, USA, Gannon University, USA and Malardalen University, Sweden. The conference was hosted by the Mar Baselios College of Engineering And Technology (MBCET), Thiruvananthapuram from 23/July to 25/July, 2019.

Mr. Krishnakumar S. Nair, COO of InApp Inc. was invited as a speaker and addressed the dignitaries during his felicitation speech at the conference. The meet-up included a discussion on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Disaster Management along with a panel discussion on the theme “Women in Computing” in which various dignitaries put forth their thoughts and ideas.

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