
CMMI Re-Certification

CMMI Re-Certification

CMMI Re Certification

June 2, 2017 – At InApp we have been always improving our Software Quality Processes to give the best to our clients. InApp is CMMI certified by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University at Maturity Level 3 and Maturity Level 5 with the older version of CMMI Currently we are in the process of getting re-certificated at Maturity Level 3 with the latest version of CMMI v1.3; in consultation with Nihilent Technologies Ltd.

During the last two weeks in May 2017, we worked on getting our documents ready for submission to SEI and getting trained on the CMMI model. It also was the time when a selected group of InAppians were trained on becoming part of the audit team, and getting the prestigious label of being an ATM – Appraisal Team Member.

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