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The Usability Factor – WordPress vs Drupal

The Usability Factor – WordPress vs Drupal

WordPress and Drupal are popular platforms used by individuals and businesses to create websites. The majority of the bloggers and webmasters will choose WordPress as it is simple and easy to use. WordPress has thousands of great features which is easily customized and user-friendly. Drupal provides plenty of features but one needs to create the custom features which is confusing.

WordPress encompasses a rich library of Plugins nearly 15000, whereas Drupal provides just over 8000 which is definitely a grade separator. WordPress plugins facilitate the easy modification, customization, and enhancement of a WordPress website. WordPress is constantly releasing new plugins (like Google Publisher, Skype Mobile Switcher, and Gallery Overview) thus adding to the huge repository of plugins. Considering the advantages WordPress offers, InApp is currently developing a Business Consulting website for a Middle East client using WordPress. The main reason being a Classifieds plugin was readily available in WordPress and easily customizable as per the client requirements.

Unlike WordPress, Drupal is harder to learn and requires a certain level of technical knowledge. Since WordPress is supported by a massive community, one can easily find answers to questions, whereas Drupal does not possess any large user base or resource. A majority of blog owners and webmasters use WordPress because Google, Yahoo, and Bing are best navigated with WordPress sites. Drupal is for the experienced user, whereas WordPress allows both beginners and advanced users plenty of easy-to-use options.

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