
InApp President Appointed as ICANN APRALO Chair

InApp President Appointed as ICANN APRALO Chair

InApp President Appointed as ICANN APRALO Chair

Satish Babu – President InApp, Founding Chair of Internet Society India Trivandrum Chapter, has been appointed as Chair of the Asian, Australian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organizations (APRALO), of the Internet Corporation on Assigned Numbers and Names (ICANN) from 1 September 2016. He was earlier the Vice Chair of APRALO.

ICANN, set by the US Government in 1998, is the apex organization that governs and manages several critical aspects of the Internet, including Domain Names, IP Addresses and Protocol Parameters. APRALO is one of the five regional organizations under ICANN that provides end-users of the Internet a way to influence its policy.

Satish Babu has been actively involved in the domain of Internet Governance through ICANN as well as the Internet Society since 2009. He was a member of ICANN’s Nominating Committee in 2014 and 2015.

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