How to edit more than 200 rows in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

How to edit more than 200 rows in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

There are two options to edit more than 200 rows in SQL Management Studio 2008 Option 1-changing the setting of 200 rows permanently: Tools–>options–>SQL Server object explorer –>CommandsEdit “Change Value for Edit Top <n> Rows Command” Option 2-changing the setting of 200 rows temporarily: Right-click Table–>click on Edit Top 200 Rows –>New Query window will […]

Insert Generator Script

Insert Generator Script

By executing the following stored procedure we can create insert statement for all records in a table EXECUTE [InsertGenerator] ‘tableName’. SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[InsertGenerator] (@tableName varchar(max)) as –Declare a cursor to retrieve column specific information for the specified table DECLARE cursCol CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns […]

How to Clear SQL Server Transaction Log

How to Clear SQL Server Transaction Log

In some cases, the Microsoft SQL Server Transaction Log (.LDF) file becomes very huge. It’s wasting a lot of disk space and causing some problems if you want to back up and restore the database. We can delete the log file and create a new log file with the minimum size. To delete SQL server […]